Friday, December 19, 2014

Crockpotographer: Do you know someone who is kind and thoughtful? Let me know!

That's right. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't give away some awesome?  Crock pot awesome that is.
So plain and simple.  I have a dessert crock pot that I will ship to you. Melt some chocolate, grab some pound cake and strawberries.... you can thank me later!

What's the recipe?
1. Bag of candied chocolate (usually in the wedding aisle of Walmart or Target and all over the place in Michaels!)
2. Turn on pot
3. pour in chocolate
4. wait til melted.
5. dip. eat. repeat.

So, here's what we do.
1.Share the post
2. Tag someone in the comments that you feel is kind, generous and works hard to help others (and loves dessert!)
3. You may tag more than one person.
4. Follow us on Instagram (amberjphoto) and you can tag there as well! I will select a winner Monday. Don't worry, there's something in it for those who nominate too!
5. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas!!!!
Thank you for being awesome :)  This small business thrives on you. 

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