Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's is like one Big Fat Annual Monday:

Anything you resolve to do, you start on Monday.  That way you can cheat all weekend before you get down to business on whatever habits you have decided to change.
  It's time, it's Monday! What is your motivation?
As I am writing this my friend Erika asked a question.  Have you read any motivational books(other than the Bible)? My response is as follows:
1. All life questions can be answered in a Mercer Mayer Book. (more in depth blogs to come). For example: how to deal with life when you are mad :)
2. Books written by or about UCLA Coach John Wooden.  I know I am passionate about athletics and sports, but the book I just read can be applied to life...ALL life, ALL business, ALL sports.
The title is Coach John Wooden: The Power of a Lot of Little Things Done Well.
I read the book in three days and I will read more very soon. 

Have you read any inspiring books or perhaps something else inspires you? I want to know!  Good luck on your New Year's Resolutions! Kill it!
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Be Inspired!
xo Amber

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